Monday, February 21, 2011


A lot happened in those few days after my iPhone 3G was nearly saved. It turned out that the tiny connector I'd damaged was the one driving the earpiece in the phone, so I could make calls only if I used headphones. Not much use.
Then, providentially, my good wife dropped the phone and it finally expired; it is now an ex-iPhone; it has shuffled off its mortal coil or connector; it is deceased.
For a couple of days I hummed and hawed about what phone to get. Tesco had the best deals on iPhones, but no stock either on their internet store or local ones. Also, iPhones are very expensive. So, I began to explore the HTC range, only to discover they were in short supply, too. I said to God that whatever one turned up first I would take as his input to the decision process.
Tesco in Littlehampton has a new phone store; the lady there promised to phone me back if they got new stock. Two hours after the promise came the news that they had just received two iPhones, would I like one? Yes, of course.
I dashed over after lunch, collected the new phone and went to meet my good wife who was going to look after our great-nephew for the afternoon. But she wasn't where I thought we'd agreed to meet; nor at the little lad's home; nor at our home. So I called her mobile which was answered by her sister who was with Marian in an ambulance going to A&E in Worthing. Good wife had a spell of extremely low blood pressure and ended up staying overnight for various tests.
So, the good Lord actually gave me a phone I could use without further learning just when I needed it - at A&E for the evening.
Next day, nothing sinister was discovered and good wife came home. Sighs of relief all round.