The longest journey
My iPhone is over 2 years old and its battery was enfeebled by age. Looking at new contracts to upgrade to the very desirable iPhone 4 made my eyes water a bit, so I decided to attempt to replace the battery with a new one.
The ifixit site has exceedingly well-illustrated manuals for free and a UK-based supplier sent a battery for a modest £9.99. A couple of spudgers swelled the total by a couple of quid and the whole kit arrived in the mail, albeit delayed by the snows.
This evening, with great trepidation, I began the journey from the outside of the enfeebled iPhone to its heart, finding the instructions very easy to see, but the tiny screws far less easy - 2.3 millimetre philips 000. After an hour, pride filled by breast as I snapped the case back together and put in the two remaining screws. Nothing missing, nothing left over.
Then amazement as the phone booted up and worked fine. Amazement because there were two possibilities at one juncture - lift a plastic lock or slide out a delicate cable. I thought the former, but it was the latter. My plastic spudger damaged the cable "socket", one of the smallest connectors I've ever seen. But the cable did slide back in. This far there is no consequence to that damaged socket - thank the Lord!
This journey called for millimetres only to measure its length, but joy is full that my iPhone lives, hopefully for a couple of years before the eye-watering upgrade.